I got my first camera in 1995. It was a TMNT 110 film camera that boasted a 'focus free' lens and a Michelangelo imprint in every photo! This was one of my first landscape images.
In high school I studied photography (and other arts), where I learned things like composition, the exposure triangle, and how to develop film in a darkroom. The 'advanced' photography course taught me digital photography, basic post processing, as well as concepts like theme and style.
Early in my adult life, I moved to Seattle, WA. With all of the amazing nature the pacific northwest has to offer, I quickly reunited with my passion for photography, and started taking pictures of everything I saw on hikes, drives, camping trips.
However, I felt that my images paled in comparison to those I saw on social media and in print. I set out to fix that.

I have watched hours of YouTube, read hundreds of tutorials and guides, and spent thousands of dollars on gear and software tools. I feel like I've been tripped up by every hurdle there is. But after wet mornings, hot flat days, and long frosty nights, I have a solid understanding of what it takes to get the images I want. That knowledge is what I want to share.
What does it take to get the image I have in my mind? How should I plan? What gear do I need? How much time will I spend on site? What software tools do I need? How long will it take me to edit my photos?
Lens Cap Off Photography was founded to help people answer these questions, whether just starting out or taking the next step in a professional career. Enabling people to go beyond just taking pictures and instead create images to be proud of.